Spiritual Self-Help
Through Nature's Inspiration And Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

Inspirations & Meditations by Gordon Burnham
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Today's Daily Inspiration


Words, like infants, may try to express
that from which they have come

But That out of which
the word has been born
can never be told with voice or with pen

An infant, so fresh from the Divine! Who knows what a newborn would tell us about where they have so recently come? Of course, they are powerless to describe where they were ten months ago, before they had form—or the journey from conception into the light of this world.

Inspiration also springs to life from the Divine and is often distilled into words or another form of expression. But what words could ever represent the formless and mysterious source of thoughts and inspiration? Inspired works of literature, art and music have done their job if they point us to, or lead us to the Source. It is ours to follow the road signs and make the journey.


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