Spiritual Self-Help
Through Nature's Inspiration And Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

Inspirations & Meditations by Gordon Burnham
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Today's Daily Inspiration


This vessel has been full
of me for so long
I have forgotten who I was
Before all of this filling

We struggle so hard to fill the void we feel inside! It seems that we always think we need more of something to make us feel whole. The key word here is "think." It is thinking itself that causes the feeling that something is missing. Because the mind is always thinking about the next desire there can never be any sense of contented wholeness and security.

Desire defines the present moment as lacking. Desire is wanting something that is not in the present moment, something that can only be found in the future. The ironic truth is that we never reach the future—it is always now! So we fill ourselves with everything we can to make us feel whole until we are so full of emotional junk and false identities we have no idea who we are!

Perhaps we were closer to truth in some ways as children—so empty of the sense of “self” and so full of “being.”


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