Spiritual Self-Help
Through Nature's Inspiration And Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

Inspirations & Meditations by Gordon Burnham
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Today's Daily Inspiration


I have this feeling if I could
let the universe vanish
for even a second and
drop the whole world
into a black hole of stillness
I would know freedom beyond earthly joy

We often have strong resistance to stillness and darkness. Our minds are so afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid of being nothing, of no longer existing. In darkness there is nothing we can see to identify our world and ourselves. Things can hide in the dark and we easily imagine evil and dangerous things lurking there. In stillness there are no thoughts and without thoughts who would I be? This is the question strikes fear in the mind. Yet, the great sages and yogis tell us that the stillness and darkness we so fear are just a doorway to a higher realm of consciousness.

Darkness is not a state we will dwell in but a portal we pass through to the Light. Stillness is not extinction of who we are, it is being quiet enough to hear the voice of the Divine.


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